CONNSTEP Newsletter | June 2024

CONNSTEP Newsletter | June 2024

Recent Case Studies

Elevated Supervisory Skills Add to Performance & Productivity

“After the CONNSTEP training, I felt that each employee strengthened their capability as a supervisor. It shows in their confidence to lead others and the processes they have implemented in their departments. It also sends a message to everyone in the company that we care about your career growth and will keep supporting you in your roles.” Katty Garcia, General Manager, Siftex Equipment Company

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5S Implementation at Workstations Improves Production Flow

“Thanks to CONNSTEP we learned a better way to improve production and workflow at our workstations. 5S has made the biggest difference, making us more organized and efficient. Labeling in work areas has been a big help, creating easier access to needed tools and eliminating wasted time.”-Josiah Loye, Chief Operating Officer, Country Carpenters

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Recent Blogs

CONNSTEP Celebrates Small Business Week

Over 60 years ago, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) initiated National Small Business Week to honor and acknowledge the significant contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners. In honor of Small Business Week, CONNSTEP proudly celebrated National Small Business Week on behalf of the many small to medium-sized manufacturers in the state of Connecticut.

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Building Resilient Supply Chains: Key Factors for Success

Supply chain resilience is imperative for navigating today’s complex and volatile business environment. View the full Ernst & Young assessment report on supply chains in Connecticut’s aerospace, shipbuilding, and medical device sectors. | Source: Ernst & Young “Innovate to Compete” assessment report for CONNSTEP, February 2024

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Upcoming Training & Events

A Guide to Digital Transformation Hosted by Capital Community College

Date: Wednesdays, February 7-June 26
Time: 8 am-9:30 am
Location: Ten (10) Locations Across CT

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Training Workshops
CMMC Bootcamp: Mastering the CMMC Requirements Implementation
Date: Wednesdays, August 28th-September 25

Time: 8:00 am-12 noon

Location: CONNSTEP, 350 Church Street, Hartford, CT 06103

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More Upcoming Events 

Manufacturing Resources

Capstone Projects

Each year, dozens of manufacturing companies present engineering schools in Connecticut universities with design challenges they encounter in their business. Students research and analyze the problem, and typically end up with a solution—a design, a model, a working prototype.

Ideally, it’s a win-win for the company and the students: the company has their problem solved and students get hands-on experience problem solving.

CONNSTEP will coordinate the connection between the manufacturer and the university, and assist the process as needed.


Master Digital Thread Manufacturing
Unlock your potential at the cutting-edge Digital Thread Manufacturing Lab.


Grants for Manufacturers 
Grant programs designed to help Connecticut manufacturers acquire the skills, tools, and resources needed to keep pace with today’s rapidly evolving manufacturing ecosystem.


CONNSTEP’s Downloads & Materials
Discover key resources and information to help your organization overcome challenges and meet its goals to advance your business growth, enhance your manufacturing capabilities, and sustain your competitiveness in the industry.


Additional Resources

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