America Works Grant Addressed at MEP National Network Conference

(Cleveland, Ohio, June 2022) – The America Works Grant, benefitting the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) National Network, was discussed at its “Fireworks” Workforce Conference on June 22 – 24, 2022 in Cleveland, Ohio. This America Works event focused on manufacturing workforce development.
The conference agenda included Best Practices, Impact on Our Communities, and Engaging Youth in Manufacturing. The event was attended by Shelly Talley from Connecticut MEP center, CONNSTEP, and Deb Presbie of ReadyCT, a CBIA affiliate working to advance career-connected learning and academic excellence for Connecticut’s public school students in collaboration with business, civic, and education leaders.
Over the next three years, America Works will have a tangible impact on the American manufacturing industry by helping more people launch their own successful careers in manufacturing, enabling more companies to fill their critical open positions.