Matin Karbassioon Continuous Improvement Consultant

Matin Karbassioon's Headshot

Primary Responsibilities

Matin provides consulting, training, facilitation, and mentoring to manufacturers, healthcare institutions, and government agencies in pursuit of enterprise-wide excellence. He is also a program leader for the CONNSTEP Continuous Improvement Champion Certification (CICC) Program.

Notable Performances

Skilled in applying best business practices and leadership principles to increase productivity, quality, and throughput, Matin has developed a number of training programs in continuous improvement and problem solving techniques. Throughout his 30-year career, Matin has held key positions in engineering and operations and has successfully led global Enterprise-Wide Lean initiatives at a variety of manufacturing companies.


Matin earned his Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering at the University of New Haven.

contact details

(860) 244-8526
350 Church St, Hartford, CT 06103

Social Profiles

What are the operational gaps in your company?

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If you’re a manufacturer outside of CT, please visit the MEP National Network listing to find the MEP in your state.

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